3 Tips To Ensure That Your Items Have Liability Coverage During A Move
Moving from one home or apartment to the next can be a stressful ordeal. This is why many movers hire moving companies to help them pack up their belongings and transport them to their new location. However, throughout the course of a move, it is expected that some things may become damaged, misplaced or broken. Therefore, it is important to have liability coverage in place to make sure that these items are covered. There are a few tips you should use when making sure your belongings are insured during a move.
Check Your Homeowner's Insurance for Trip Transit Coverage
Homeowner's insurance typically covers damage to property in the event of a disaster. However, it does not automatically cover damage caused to items during the course of a move. Therefore, it is important to check your homeowner's insurance policy for trip transit coverage. This coverage will cover any items that are damaged during a move. Trip transit coverage is not typically included in a standard policy. It usually needs to be added onto your insurance policy.
Take Out Floater Insurance if You Have Smaller Valuable Items
Floater insurance can be added onto a homeowner's insurance policy. This insurance is designed to cover more expensive items that are easy to move. These items are typically not covered under a standard moving policy. Floater insurance is specifically meant for covering items like jewelry and art. If you have multiple expensive pieces, then you will need to take out floater insurance for each individual piece. Floater insurance is a good coverage to have if some of your items are more difficult to replace.
Check the Maximum Insured Valued Offered by the Moving Company
Moving companies will commonly offer insurance for items that are damaged during a move. However, they also place a limit on the amount that they are willing to insure. Therefore, it is important to check to make sure that your belongings do not surpass this limit. If the amount listed is too low, then you can purchase a higher insurance policy from the moving company. If you have individual items that are valuable, then you may want to consider transporting these items yourself.
If you have no liability coverage, then replacing items that have been lost or damaged during the course of a move can be difficult to do. Therefore, use these tips to ensure that your items are covered during your move.
For more information, contact a company like Wheaton World Wide Moving.