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Planning Ahead When Using Commercial Movers: A Get Started Guide

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Coordinating a move is difficult, so many homeowners and renters opt to use moving services to better manage time and stress. There are a variety of options when outsourcing relocation. Full-service outfits manage everything from packing to unloading and setup while more basic firms may offer basic loading and unloading. Whichever level of care is chosen, a bit of pre-planning can make picking the right company easier and improve time management when moving day arrives.

Planning the moving period

Some moves are hurried affairs following an unexpected promotion or job offer while others are a more sedated transition from one household to another. No matter the style, it's important to pin down a time period for the move with a specific date for leaving and ample time around it for packing and unpacking. This is necessary to contact moving companies for quotes and then follow through with booking and also helps develop expectations for packing. If it's crunch time, then a full-service operation may be worth the extra investment, but if relocation means downsizing or reducing furniture or knick-knacks, packing yourself can be valuable for further weeding of possessions. 

Sorting and tossing

With any long-term stay in a home or apartment, little things and even extra furniture start to accumulate, and some items may be less used than others. Moving presents an excellent time to finally assess whether a craft project will ever be undertaken or if keeping old clothes or other personal effects is still necessary. As you pack, shred any personal papers no longer needed and donate or trash excess goods. For larger pieces, such as furniture or electronics, local thrift stores may provide pick-up services, or classified sites or social media listings can connect you with quick buyers. Discarding helps reduce the number of items for packing and ensures clutter doesn't take over the new home. 


Whether packing your full home or only a few select personal items you want to secure separately from the efforts of movers, always use a standard labeling system on boxes to expedite placement in the new home. Use room-based tags, such as kitchen, living room, and master bedroom, and brief descriptive notes like non-fiction books, bakeware, or winter clothing to further organize. The location notes will assist with unloading, and descriptive notes provide an opportunity to stagger unpacking based on immediate needs. 

When packing, always set aside a few boxes for your most urgent needs and important documents and keep those separate in your personal possession. Medication, a first-aid kit, batteries, chargers, and important papers should be included as well as your basic moving essentials like scissors, utility knives, a flashlight, snacks, and water.

Reach out to local moving services to learn more.
